Thursday, January 26, 2012

PA Republican Party Leadership’s message to its party's members:

Citizens who call themselves Republicans might believe they still get a say in who will win the GOP primary and actually get to select their own candidates in Pennsylvania, NOT TRUE!   Actually a mere handful of Republicans have taken on the role of “party KINGS” and stolen the party from their own members in this state.  Using their political muscle they in fact control who gets “endorsed”.  The uninformed public no longer gets to decide but is led by the nose.

In Pennsylvania the endorsed candidates ALONE receives use of party solicited donations and personnel. Paid for is all their costs and debts associated with campaign literature; TV advertizing; travel expenses;  phones; maintaining multiple  campaign offices;  mass mailings and postage; rental expenses for meeting rooms; establishing and maintaining websites.  In Chester County there are 234 polling sites that will be automatically manned by the party with Republican committee people.  Other personnel are busy helping the endorsees to send out news releases;   monitoring and responding to the internet; and arranging appointments and appearances by this candidate.

 Non endorsed candidates get NO party support whatsoever and in fact will find party leadership working against them.  So if you have donated to the party thinking you are helping your candidate, realize your donation money is now being used to defeat him.  At the end of the campaign your “non endorsed” candidate must personally settle up on any outstanding bills.  His party could not care less.  

The literature the Republican party sends to your door before the primary promotes only endorsed candidates.  Heaven forbid information on the platforms of all Republican candidates is provided. Why was there not a televised debate involving the three Republican candidates for Pennsylvania Governor? Why should we take the word of the few?  Aren’t we supposed to be a government by the People?
Its time endorsements in PA politics are ended.  I know I want the candidate that stands for my values to be exposed to the world so they can be chosen on their own merits.  Don’t you want that?

As the 2010 Chester County coordinator for the Sam Rohrer Gubernatorial campaign I was appalled at the brazen attitude of the PA GOP leader, Robert Gleason.  It became apparent in 2009, many months before the 2010 primary that Gleason was only supporting Tom Corbett and would provide him all the advantages.  The public would not learn about other Republicans on his watch. 

Despite Samuel Rohrer’s high qualifications and many years of grass roots support the GOP’s never once mentioned him in their news releases …only Corbett.  The PA GOP Face book page was monitored 24 hours a day so that citizen republicans positive remarks supporting Sam’s platform were removed within seconds, as were comments questioning Corbett to spell out his own.  Threats from the webmaster followed about being banned from the site.

At an official Republican functions, the Chester County committee meeting, attendees saw their former Chairman, Joseph “Skip” Brion ban the display of Rohrer campaign material.  Brion was reportedly strong arming uninformed committee members and misleading them into believing they could only support endorsed candidates or they could be fired.  These are serious violations.  The fact is I met many committee people at various polls who were totally surprised that any other candidates for Governor were even running in the primary.  So HOW can these elected committeemen act on OUR behalf and vote to endorse a candidate when they are not even aware who to consider? Something is wrong!

Corbett, following Gleason’s orders, would not engage in a public debate with Sam Rohrer until public outrage and the need to save face forced his hand. So on February 12, 2010, just hours before the party’s endorsements were to be announced Gleason arranged an hour debate on the PCN channel.  With Candidates ready Gleason let the start time slip by stalling 30 additional minutes with a lackluster pep rally on TV.   There was only time remaining for opening statements and two questions. Corbett inserted both feet and was defending himself for weeks after his remarks about the Constitution.   Rohrer on the other hand rallied and excited the crowd.  Why do you think Gleason scheduled this debate to compete with the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics on another channel?

So here we are in 2012 and both Gleason and Corbett are all ready to endorse once again.  Is this what the Public wants?   A straw poll announced on PCN on Monday showed that 83% of citizen Republicans said endorsements are hurting the party.

Steve Welch and Sam Rohrer are both well spoken as are other candidates for the US Senate. The public needs to hear all their ideas and positions. Yet for some reason Welch a reborn Republican has gotten their nod. They all  deserve the right to debate and show us what they can offer as . Allow the citizens to choose their own candidate.

Tom Corbett, having already handpicked his successor as Attorney General, now wants to insure he gives his next choice all the advantages of endorsement. While Attorney General, and running for Governor he received over $59,000 in campaign donations from the same Reed Smith legal firm named in but who he stopped investigating in the Bonus Gate cover up.  The FBI also has not ended its whistleblower investigation of Kimmett vs. Corbett.   Deputy Attorney General Kimmett discovered millions in collections owed to Pennsylvania were being permitted to be wiped off the books. Paperwork had gone missing.  With Corbett’s apparent knowledge efforts were made to cover this up and Kimmett lost his job when he persisted.  Perhaps an endorsement will help someone in power keep a lid on this? 

Endorsements are keeping good people, good ideas, and possible corruption hidden from the voters of this state and its time we Republicans get control and some confidence of our party back.

1st Time
2010 Campaign Coordinator

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